Estate Planning Attorney
所爱之人的死亡不是任何人想要面对或准备过度的事情. That said, we all die eventually, and getting your estate planned and ready for the future before you pass is a great way to take some of the burdens off your loved ones.
Estate planning is a way for you to retain some control over the estate that you spent your life building, 它也有助于你的遗产容易分散和解决你的遗产后,你的死.
What Is Estate Planning?
Estate planning is the process by which the person who owns or generates the estate plans what will happen to it after they pass. 这可以是遗嘱,指定受益人,设立信托等等.
This helps to keep your estate out of probate and helps ensure that if you have something special that you want a particular person to have, they can attain it after your death.
遗产规划可以涉及金钱,资产,房屋,财产,甚至宠物或动物. 这是任何人生命中至关重要的一部分,因为它有助于确保他们去世时, 他们的遗产不会被搁置六个月,因为它将通过遗嘱认证办公室.
It also helps with keeping families from fighting over the estate since each asset is going to be named and directed to one person or another. 这个计划过程也可以帮助你实现你的临终愿望.
Say you have a debilitating illness that requires you to have a power of attorney toward the end of your life. 你可以在遗产计划和遗嘱中指定你的委托书. 你也可以计划你的葬礼并支付费用,或者声明它将从你的遗产中支付.
Estate planning is a great way to ensure that your wishes are carried out and that your family does not have to struggle with what to do after you pass.
Why Is Estate Planning Important?
If you have ever dealt with the estate of a loved one after they passed who did not have a plan or a will in place, you know how important estate planning can be. Estate planning takes all the guesswork out of your death and what you want to happen to your things after you pass.
每个州都有遗嘱认证法或遗嘱认证期,没有遗嘱的遗产必须在此期间保存. For most states, this is six months. This period gives creditors, 那些觉得自己有权拥有某些地产的人, 其他有关的人也有时间得到死亡的通知,并出面提出索赔.
This period can be very difficult for families because they are likely going to have to keep paying for things like:
- 这是家里防止水结冰的电费账单.
- Storage fees if there is a storage unit
- A mortgage, if applicable.
一旦遗嘱认证期结束,他们也可以从家里或银行账户中拿走一些东西. 这不仅给留守的家庭带来了经济压力, but it is also an emotional strain.
即使你奶奶告诉你她想在她去世前把她的古董家具留给你, 在遗嘱认证期结束,财产解决之前,你不能拿走它.
Estate planning allows you to retain as much control over the things you accumulated during your life and the estate you worked so hard to build.
Passing without an estate plan in place or a will in place makes it more difficult for the family you have left behind, and it makes it hard for those individuals to move on with their lives as they wait to settle your estate.
Though you may not be around anymore, with estate planning, you can make your wishes known, make your wishes legally binding, 并帮助你的家人在你死后加快康复过程.
遗产规划还有助于防止家人在你去世后争夺你的遗产, as your wishes will be provided in a legally binding document that they must follow for the estate to be divided.
If you are having trouble figuring out what to do with your estate, our lawyers at CLLB Law can help. Contact us today at 812-725-8224!
What Can an Estate Lawyer Actually Do?
首先,也是最重要的,也许是最常见的,遗产律师可以帮助你起草和提交遗嘱. They can help you learn the following aspects:
- What can you leave to people?
- How can you divide your estate?
- 关于你把财产和金钱留给谁,你有什么选择?
Estate planning attorneys can even help you draft a will that has specific requirements for those who are going to be taking over your estate after you pass.
A great estate lawyer is going to have the ability to help you create a will that is going to be legal and binding. The people who are left behind are going to be able to follow this to help make their job of dispersing your estate easier and less stressful overall.
Having an estate plan in place can help you take some of the stress off your family when you pass to give them time to focus on healing rather than fighting about what to do with your estate.
Another thing that an estate lawyer can do is create a legal and binding power of attorney. Your power of attorney is a very powerful thing. 它可以帮助确保你在医学上丧失行为能力时得到照顾.
委托书可以帮助安排养老院护理等事情, making sure your bills are paid, and making sure that your finances are in order.
授权书还可以帮助你做出任何法律上的决定, 比如,如果你愿意,可以帮你卖掉房子, selling your property, 如果你想要偿还巨额债务,甚至可以还清.
With a power of attorney, it is always best to determine who you want to be your power of attorney before you become medically or cognitively unable to do so. 你的遗产律师也可以帮助你监护你的遗产.
If you are unable to manage your estate, 遗产规划律师将能够介入并为你照顾你的遗产. When properly drafted, 遗产监护人将能够做任何你可能需要他们做的事情.
Your estate planning lawyer is going to be able to do anything legal that pertains to your estate and manage it before and after you pass.
Who Needs an Estate Plan?
Anyone with any type of estate, even a very small one, 能从他们去世时或之前的遗产计划中获益吗. We have already touched on probate, 但这是你死后你的家人要面对的最大的问题.
When you pass without a will in place, it is legally required that the estate enter probate for the period that is defined by your estate where you lived. Probate is a period in which nothing can be done to the estate and nothing can be done to any account associated with the individual that has passed.
This means that if you have a bank account, a home, credit card accounts, or other lines of credit, 你的家人可以打电话通知公司你已经通过考试了,他们可以停止支付, 但这些账户必须在六个月后才能关闭.
Your family can do nothing with any part of your estate until the six months have passed or until they retain a probate lawyer to break probate. A probate lawyer can help to break probate if there are no debts against the estate and it can be proven.
However, this is going to cost money and aggravation, and it is likely going to cause issues with the family as well and might even make it more difficult to divide the estate. 任何人,无论其遗产的大小或困难,都可以从遗产规划中受益.
When you pass, there will be many legal hurdles that your family must pass to settle your estate and start to move on with their lives. With the help of an estate lawyer, you can imagine yourself growing older without worry and fear about what will happen to your estate or family.
You can rest assured that both your family and your estate will be taken care of and that your family will not have to struggle to dispense your estate.
在你去世后,遗产律师要做的第一件事就是与你的家人取得bet9九州体育登录线路, contact your power of attorney if you have one, 帮助你的家人度过你去世后的最初几天.
你的家人可以去拜访他们, 他们会帮你列出他们和你一起完成的文书工作, such as your will, 你的葬礼安排,如果你已经安排好了, 以及其他有助于你处理遗产的相关文件.
They can also speak with others on your behalf and help ensure that the estate goes smoothly and does get settled without any trouble and with minimal effort on the part of your family. 你的遗产律师会为你做很多事情, 无论是在你活着的时候还是在你去世之后.
他们可以帮助你的家人不再担心他们将如何处理你的遗产. And they will be able to move forward in getting your estate settled and making sure that they will not have to try and figure it out alone.
虽然在你离开后,这似乎是一件微不足道的事情, making sure that those you loved are taken care of and that they are not going to have to struggle to take care of your estate goes a long way.
You are going to be much more at peace, you will not have to worry, 你可以在去世前表达你的愿望. In addition, having an estate plan in place makes it far simpler for your family to take care of the estate you worked so hard to build when you were alive, 它让你在生命结束时更容易停止担忧.
Anyone can benefit from estate planning. 我们的遗产规划律师会帮助你, 我们想把你的遗产计划准备好.
无论你是在规划自己的未来还是所爱之人的未来, please consider allowing us to help you. Contact 我们的一位遗产规划律师今天开始寻找解决方案,电话是812-725-8224.
Attorney Steve Langdon
在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业执照, 史蒂夫·兰登是一位经验丰富的老年律师和出庭辩护律师. In addition to his litigation and trial work, Steve’s practice includes wills, trusts, probate, Medicaid planning, guardianship, powers of attorney, and advanced directive planning, 包括生前遗嘱和医疗代理指定. [ Attorney Bio ]
Attorney Gary Banet
加里在印第安纳州和肯塔基州都有执业律师执照. He concentrates his practice in estate planning, estate and trust administration, estate and trust litigation, guardianships, elder law and special-needs planning. Gary earned his J.D. from the University of Louisville, Louis D. 布兰代斯法学院毕业,曾在宾汉姆格林鲍姆多尔和怀亚特塔兰特律师事务所执业 & Combs. [ Attorney Bio ]